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                     ... monitors webpages for you

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urlwatch is intended to help you watch changes in webpages and get notified (via e-mail, in your terminal or through various third party services) of any changes. The change notification will include the URL that has changed and a unified diff of what has changed.

Quick Start

  1. Run urlwatch once to migrate your old data or start fresh
  2. Use urlwatch --edit to customize your job list (this will create/edit urls.yaml)
  3. Use urlwatch --edit-config if you want to set up e-mail sending
  4. Add urlwatch to your crontab (crontab -e) to monitor webpages periodically

The checking interval is defined by how often you run urlwatch. You can use e.g. crontab.guru to figure out the schedule expression for the checking interval, we recommend not more often than 30 minutes (this would be */30 * * * *). If you have never used cron before, check out the crontab command help.

On Windows, cron is not installed by default. Use the Windows Task Scheduler instead, or see this StackOverflow question for alternatives.

The Handbook

Indices and tables